Saturday, November 30, 2013

猪猪们做的Mango Jelly

今天做好了柠檬蛋糕,就让猪猪们做Mango Jelly,这盒的Jelly就只做4小杯的Jelly。。。。


这是现在面子书里热门的蛋糕,我也来做个给三姐的生日蛋糕,其实我是做了一个7“的Sponge Cake和一个小个的Sponge Cake,但不知为何大的在扣模时周围旁边都破裂,可能是我以小刀来夸扣倒模,倒之周围破裂。而小的我铺上纸所以就美美的,还好大的都给我弄成和另一个小的一样大小,所以就成为两个小的柠檬蛋糕。


75g --- 蛋白(约2个蛋)
45g --- 细砂糖

38g --- 蛋黄(约2个蛋)
30g --- 鲜奶
33g --- 牛油
33g --- 低筋面粉
5g --- 玉米粉

  1. 预热烤箱160~170度C。
  2. 鲜奶,牛油加热至牛油溶化。
  3. 加入过筛的面粉和玉米粉,搅拌均匀。
  4. 加入蛋黄,即成为蛋黄面糊。
  5. 蛋白打至起泡后,分次的加入细砂糖;搅打至9分发。
  6. 将蛋白霜分次的加入蛋黄面糊里,搅拌均匀。
  7. 倒入铺纸和涂抹油的6寸圆形烤模里,轻敲几下。
  8. 放入烤箱,烤约30~40分钟。(以自家烤箱温度为标准)

2个 --- 全蛋
50g --- 柠檬汁
60g --- 细砂糖
适量 --- 柠檬皮屑

45g --- 牛油

适量 --- 打发鲜奶油(装饰蛋糕用)

  1. 将(A)的材料放进一个小锅子里(用隔水加热的方式),边煮边搅拌,至糖溶解。
  2. 把(A)过滤后,加入牛油(用隔水加热的方式),边煮边搅拌至柠檬酱慢慢变得浓稠即可。
  3. 把柠檬酱倒入干净的容器里,盖上一张保鲜膜,待冷备用。

  1. 把海绵蛋糕分成3片。
  2. 把一片海绵蛋糕放在蛋糕托上,涂抹一层的柠檬酱,再涂抹一层的鲜奶油。
  3. 铺上第二片的海绵蛋糕,涂抹一层的柠檬酱,再涂抹一层的鲜奶油。
  4. 盖上最后一片的海绵蛋糕,即可装饰。

这就是已破裂的Sponge Cake把它们做成杯子甜点。

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Small tangerine ice cream waffle



今天大个和二哥一起做Ice cream cone oreo muffins,这Muffin非常简单,只要稍微搅拌均匀再倒如饼杯里烘培就可以了。但我把这Muffin烘得太久,表皮就像饼干一样不过就这层饼最想最好吃!!!

Friday, November 22, 2013



Cream Puff

刚才做了Cream Puff也不是很理想,Puff 皮有点硬,Cream有点稀稠了。。。。不过还蛮多工的,Puff 皮要煮了再烘,Cream也是要煮了又得另外打发鲜奶油。



Recycle t -shirt bag

星期二给猪猪们自己做了T-Shirt 袋,都是旧的T-Shirt 做成的,不需要缝合,就只是裁剪和打结而已。当然小猪妹妹的是我来试范给猪猪们如何做,不错的简单手工。

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Ice cream mango waffle

昨天炸好了虾签就顺便做这甜点给猪猪们吃,这芒果已待放在桌上好久了,也答应给猪猪们做这甜点给他们吃,也刚好把藏在冰箱里剩下的雪糕给清完。买了Waffle 再放进烘炉里烤一烤,放上雪糕,芒果及巧克力浆就可以做出美味的下午茶甜点啦!!当然我自己也来一份,非常的好吃,Waffle 脆脆微热的,加了冷冷甜甜的雪糕,再加上甜甜的芒果,简值是美味无比!!!



Friday, November 15, 2013

2 Ingredients Chocolate Cake (Gâteau au Chocolat Recipe)


3 eggs
3 bars of chocolate (total of 165g = 5.8oz.)

1. Preheat the oven to 170C (338F). Separate the eggs and place the whites in a large bowl. Let your egg whites sit in the refrigerator to keep them cold until you are ready to use them (which makes the meringue more stable).
2. Place the chocolate (broken into pieces) in a large bowl. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler over hot water (60C/140F). When the chocolate has cooled, add the yolks and mix with a whisk.
3. In a large bowl, whip egg whites with an electric mixer until firm peaks form. *If it's thick enough, you can turn the bowl upside down without it sliding out.
4. Add 1/3 Meringue into the chocolate batter and blend well with a whisk. Then add the rest of the Meringue 1/2 at a time and mix well with a spatula.
5. Line the round cake pan with parchment paper. Pour the batter into the pan and drop the pan lightly on the counter to raise the air bubbles out of the batter.
6. Bake at 170C (338F) for 30-40 minutes.
7. When they are done, cool in the pan until you can touch it. Then place it on a wire rack to cool completely.

You can brush the cake with syrup (rum, kirsch, brandy, or any kind of liquor you like) and/or dust with powdered sugar (confectioner's sugar) to finish. You can serve it with whipped cream if desired.

Souffle Cheese Cake (Flourless Cake)

这食谱是在YouTube 里学来的

3 eggs
120g (4.3oz.) white chocolate
120g (4.3oz.) cream cheese *softened

1. Preheat the oven to 170C (338F). Separate the eggs and place the whites in a large bowl. Let your egg whites sit in the refrigerator to keep them cold until you are ready to use them (which makes the meringue more stable).
2. Place the chocolate (broken into pieces) in a large bowl. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler over hot water (60C/140F). Then add the cream cheese and melt them together. Remove the bowl from the double boiler, add the egg yolks, and mix well.
3. In a large bowl, whip egg whites with an electric mixer until firm peaks form. *If it's thick enough, you can turn the bowl upside down without it sliding out.
4. Add 1/3 Meringue into the cream cheese batter and blend well with a spatula. Then add the rest of the Meringue 1/2 at a time and mix well.
5. Rub some oil/butter on parchment paper (in this way, the cake can slide down when it shrinks, so you can prevent the cake from cracking). Line the round cake pan with the parchment paper. Pour the batter into the pan and drop the pan lightly on the counter to raise the air bubbles out of the batter.
6. Place the cake pan on a baking sheet. Pour some hot water into the baking sheet. Bake at 170C (338F) for 15 minutes, 160C (320F) for 15 minutes, then stop the heat and bake with the remaining heat for 15 minutes.
7. When it is done, place the cake pan on a wire rack to cool completely.

You can either serve immediately or chill in the fridge before serving! It will slightly get hard in the fridge, so leave at room temperature for a few minutes before you serve.

送给老师们的Hokkaido Cupcakes


Sunday, November 10, 2013




Orange Jelly

这次的Fruit Cake是用剩下的Sponge Cake Mix 来做的,蛋糕比较干硬点,改次还是蛋黄和蛋白分开打的方法来做Sponge Cake较为安全啦。

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


这是刚才做Fruits Cake 用剩的材料还有一些失败的Sponge Cake ,我都不知这叫什么甜品。都是用弄碎的Sponge Cake 加点水果再加点Whipped Cream,一层层的贴上可以当小猪们的甜点。

第一次的Lychee FruitCake (Sponge Cake)

第一次这么失败,这`Sponge Cake 我今天做了三次都失败。前两次是用Sponge Cake Mix来做,但不知何故两次都是同样的错误,底部发不起比较硬。第三次是从Nasi Lemak Lover 里学来的,但就发过头,不过还能够用,只要稍微切掉就可以做了,但味道不知如何。。。。好担心。。。。
